About Us

We are Singapore registered company, double YX. Our company registration no. is 53451213E.

Kids@DIY is our main channel to offers a wonderful DIY STEM educational toys to you.

Why DIY STEM educational toys??

Compare to traditional kids toy, STEM educational toys are Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math based toys geared towards curiosity, learning, and education.

Parents and teachers can promote STEM skills with science and engineering toys for kids. We encourage the staffs from school can approach us for more ideas of STEM educational toy especially DIY STEM.  These toys encourage kids to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills in one or more of the STEM subject areas.

Read it, DO it, Play it! 

我们鼓励孩子通过玩玩具的当儿,可以学习多方面的知识。比较与传统小孩玩具,DIY STEM 具有教育意义的玩具,能给与孩子更多的学习空间,以达到游乐中学习的理念。也是我们 Kids@DIY 所一直倡导的理念。